The BMax Drive The world's only internally-cooled high-performance outdrive
New Ownership, New Location, New Model
The Bmax HT:
When the Bravo Shop manufactured their 1000th Bmax drive in July 2004 they decided it was time to raise the bar for the performance sterndrive industry. After much success with the Bmax drive and Stage II Transom Assembly they did some retooling and refitting and created the Bmax HT sterndrive. The HT puts the emphasis on High Torque. The Bravo Shop’s experience with their clientele has shown that today’s performance boater requires equipment that will withstand more torque and horsepower than in the past. As engine builders continued to up the ante with larger more robust gas engines, and with the growing popularity of diesel engines, there was a need to create a sterndrive to stand up to this power. So the Bravo Shop went into test mode, compiled the research, and manufactured the necessary items to create the Bmax HT.

The Bmax HT takes all of the internal components used in its predecessor, the Bmax, and kicks it up a notch. There are bigger shafts, stronger materials, and even different heat treating and shot peening processes. The Bmax HT also has the patented internal water cooling but with more capacity than the previous drive. All of these state of the art items result in a drive that will fit the bill for most any high performance application.
The Bmax HT also offers more in the warranty department. This new drive is rated at 850 hp and 850 ft lbs torque in a gas application. The diesel application is rated at 400 hp and 800 ft lbs torque. The one year limited warranty for these figures is based on twin engine boats that weigh 10,000 lbs or less. And single engine boats that weigh 6000 lbs or less.
The Bmax HT is readily available and comes in gear ratios of 1.11, 1.19, 1.30 and now 1.50. Each drive is custom made to order in either standard length or 2 inch short version using the Bravo Shop’s own crescent shaped lower for optimum hydrodynamic flow. The Bmax HT does not require a transmission as most drives withstanding this much horsepower usually do.